Confronting emergency with RT-PCR in Covid-19 pandemic: Discovery and implementation

2022-11-07 15:24:25 By : Mr. Wan Qi

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Gokul C Das, Ph.D., is a molecular virologist and medical research scientist; he was an Ex- Professor, University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler and retired recently from the faculty of Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas ,USA. He has decades of experience in publishing on virus research in peer reviewed international journals and in the use of PCR technology. LESS ... MORE

Coronavirus disease identified in 2019 (Covid-19) is a global pandemic and the emergency is not under control in two years. It is an infectious disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus- 2 (SARS-CoV-2, referred as coronavirus throughout). Thus far the virus has infected more than 270 million people and claimed over five million lives worldwide. In India alone, 35 million people have contracted Covid-19, and half million have succumbed to death. The virus enters the lung through cells lining the airways and transmits via human to human. Most infected people show mild symptoms leading to self- quarantine and recovery. A significant percentage remains even asymptomatic. However, in critical cases, infection causes severe pneumonia that may require ventilator (oxygen) support and necessitate transferring patient to an intensive care unit. This trend is unmanageable because of wrong diagnosis from a rapid swab of throat or nostril, large untested population, negligence in personal protection , understanding new variants, or lack of effective vaccination . The best way to prevent transmission is to understand in depth how an inaccurate diagnosis contributes to virus spreads sending patients wrongly either to home or to a hospital. 

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing is the gold standard for early diagnosis of Covid-19. Other methods, antigen testing or antibody testing, are less sensitive requiring high viral load and longer waiting period. I focus exclusively on the background of PCR discovery, its working principle, and limitations or challenges as of now. Kary Mullis devised PCR in 1983, while employed as a chemist at the Cetus Corporation in Emeryville, California, USA. He shared the Nobel prize in chemistry in 1996. This method allows scientists to make billions of copies of a targeted DNA region starting from one like a photo copying machine. Therefore, PCR detects incredibly early the genetic material of the infecting agents (bacteria and viruses) invading human cells. But it has pitfalls and can falsely identify patients as negative or positive with devastating consequences. 

 All living organisms, including bacteria and viruses, contain a genome of either deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecule. Human genome encapsulated in cell nucleus consists of DNA that carry the genes. A special class of RNA, known as messenger RNA (mRNA), makes a copy of the genetic information in DNA and carries it to the cytoplasm to make cellular proteins. Coronavirus genome is not a DNA, but like a cellular mRNA. It makes its own protein in the cytoplasm immediately after infection. The submicroscopic virus particles are spherical in shape with surface proteins, called spikes (S), protruding from the outer shell. This protein latches on to another membrane protein (angiotensin-converting enzyme, ACE2) on the surface of human cells (epithelial) in the airways to fuse with the cell membrane . Thus, spike protein plays a critical role in viral entry and transmission and is a diagnostic target for Covid-19 . 

The invention of PCR was based on several Nobel prize- winning or seminal discoveries in the past 30 years. James Watson and Francis Crick proposed a double helical structure for DNA in 1953. This revolutionized the biological world and brought them the Nobel prize in 1962. DNA consists of two polynucleotide chains or strands that coil around each other to  form a double helix (Figure 1A). Each chain has a backbone consisting of a sugar and a phosphate molecule to which four distinct types of bases adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T) are joined one after another. The building block of DNA is a nucleotide- a combination of one sugar, one phosphate and a base . Two bases from opposite strands form a base-pair. Base A is always linked to T, and G to C by hydrogen bonding (a special type of force) to hold the two chains together. If one chain has a sequence ATGCA, the complementary chain will have TACGT. The chains run in opposite direction (anti-parallel) so that the head ( 5-end’) of one chain is always laid down against the tail ( 3-end’) of the other (Figure 1A). Primers in PCR are a short stretch of nucleotides (called oligonucleotides) that hybridizes (sticks) to the complementary target DNA at the 3’-end. Paul Doty and co-workers in 1950’s separated the two chains by heating a DNA solution at 95 degree Celsius (°C) or above (denaturation). The chains reunite when cooling gradually in a test tube (annealing). This information was used in PCR. Arthur Kornberg discovered an enzyme, DNA polymerase, which extends a new chain only in one particular (5’ to 3’) direction to replicate DNA in living cells and shared the Nobel prize in 1959. This enzyme must be present in the PCR reaction. 

Kary Mullis, Ph. D (Biochemistry), had a knowledge of these developments. At Cetus Corporation, he used to make primers for other investigators and became interested to detect mutations in human genome by using primers and DNA sequencing method of F. Sanger (Nobel prize in 1980). But it was difficult because the signal was poor for a single copy gene. His mind was obsessed how to increase the concentration of the gene target. Mullis conceived the idea of making unlimited copies of the target by using two primers acting in opposite direction, one for each chain separated by denaturation. This will involve a heating and cooling cycle. Initially he used just water baths maintained at different temperatures to conduct the reactions, but DNA polymerase was not active at high heat and requires to be added at the amplification step of every cycle. Mullis later replaced DNA polymerase by a thermostable Taq polymerase, purified by Thomas Broke and Hudson Freeze from thermophilic bacteria in 1969. This made the development of PCR technique so successful. After repeated failures, PCR was finally born at Cetus Corporation at the end of 1983. 

The method of PCR is shown schematically in Figure 1A to elucidate how it makes unlimited copies of DNA region by repeated heating and cooling of a mixture of inexpensive reagents. These include target DNA (shown by a bracket), two primers, Taq polymerase and four nucleotides that supply bases A,T, G and C. Each PCR cycle involves three steps of heating and cooling: separation of DNA chains at 95 degree Celsius (°C) or above (denaturation), hybridization or sticking of primers to the complementary chain of DNA typically at 55 °C. (annealing), and extension of DNA chains by Taq polymerase at 72 °C (amplification). The two primers as a guide stick at the two 3’ ends of DNA in the bracket. The forward primer is extended (in the 5’ to 3’ directions) from the first bracket up to the second one and the reverse primer from the second bracket in the other chain up to the first one (Figure 1B). Thus, at cycle one two DNA molecules are made from one and the number doubles at each cycle number such as 2,4,8,16, up to billion copies of DNA at the end of 35-cycles in just over an hour. The quantity of DNA becomes high enough to identify by the migration in a simple gel, separating the product from the primers. 

 Because coronavirus has an RNA genome, PCR detection requires conversion of RNA to a DNA molecule. Like cellular mRNAs, viral RNA has a poly- A tail (a short stretch of RNA with only adenine bases, AAAAAA) at the 3’- end. It was a mystery how these RNA genomes multiply in infected human cells. David Baltimore and Howard Temin independently discovered an enzyme, Reverse Transcriptase, in 1970 that makes a copy of the RNA genome to a complementary DNA (cDNA ). They shared the Nobel prize in 1975 for their discovery. This cDNA works as a template for the PCR amplification as in Figure 1B. This modified method is named as Reverse Transcription (RT)- PCR or simply RT-PCR. 

The result of RT-PCR was qualitative only, for a quantitative assessment further improvement to real- time RT-PCR (RT-qPCR) was required. A short single- stranded probe like the primer is made that binds to a complementary sequence of the target gene downstream from each primer. The probe (TaqMan) is labeled with a fluorescent dye as reporter at the 5-’end and a quencher at the 3’- end. When bound, quencher inhibits the fluorescence emissions, and light emits only when the probe is degraded . Taq polymerase degrades the fluorogenic probe at each amplification cycle and the fluorescence signal is measured. This increases with time and hence with the DNA copy number. 

 A plot of fluorescent light emitted against the number of replication cycle gives two important parameters (Figure 1C): One, fluorescent signal threshold (FST) that decides the average base line; the other, cycle threshold (CT) identified by the number of PCR cycles required to detect a fluorescence signal. CT is obviously greater than FST and increases with the cycle number. The CT value is the most valuable information about the patient in Covid-19 diagnosis. Any CT < 40 is considered positive and CT> 40 clinically negative. A lower CT value means a greater amount of the viral RNA in the specimen. Figure 1C shows a plot for two samples (S1 and S2) from two different patients. Sample S1 (CT 15) represents more advanced infection compared to S2 (CT 30), because the signal is detected after fewer cycles of PCR. A critical CT range is 37-40 when the data is not conclusive; it suggests that minimal amount of viral genome could represent either an infection state incredibly early or an environmental contamination. It is critically important to repeat the test to confirm. The RT-qPCR method is remarkably sensitive to quantify RNA because every cycle is recorded and is highly specific as the probe binds only to coronavirus gene. 

Several factors are important implementing the test. Two approaches are in practice. The conversion of RNA to cDNA by RT, and subsequent amplification could be conducted in one test tube; in the other, two separate assays are set up. This choice may alter the test results. For absolute quantification of virus, a standard of known DNA concentration or an indigenous reference target is included for normalization. There are periods when it is hard detecting the virus because of low viral load. In the latent period, infected individuals are not infectious and in the incubation period the person become infectious about two days before developing symptom. Even asymptomatic persons contribute to viral transmission. Problems arise from mishandling or storage of RNA, defective design of the primers, contamination by genomic DNA or RNA, or wrong set-up of PCR assay without controls. Although the rate of false positive is remarkably low, that for false negative in RT-qPCR testing reported from 10 to 30 percentage depending on how sooner the test was repeated . Inclusion of a positive and a negative control minimizes this problem. Another internal RNA control in specimen processing ensures intact RNA molecules. 

 Genetic variants generated new waves and more may emerge with potential of greater transmissibility, evasion of immunity and diagnostic tests; they may be more infectious, cause more severe disease, or even current vaccine may not offer protection. One variant, delta (India), with about 10 mutations in spike protein is more than twice as transmissible as the original Covid-19 strain. A recent one (omicron, South Africa) under investigation contains about 50 mutations, 36 of them is in the spike protein with 15 being in the receptor binding domain (RBD) as opposed to two in the delta variant. The mutation in RBD is crucial as this region makes direct contact with the cell surface receptor. This may control viral entry or replication rate and hence its potential for transmission by changing the structure of the protein. Importantly, new variants may also escape RT-PCR detection as altered genome structure may inhibit primer binding. Selecting two or more genes can minimize this problem. 

Thus, PCR plays a critical role to confront the Covid-19 pandemic saving millions of human lives, but the pitfalls need to be addressed to minimize wrong diagnosis. It is recommended that well- trained health care personnel require a careful execution of the entire process. It must ensure high sensitivity for low level of detection and high specificity for detecting only coronavirus genome. The turnout time for RT-qPCR in a centralized laboratory varies from few hours to three days . The CT value is unique, not only determines whether the person is infected or not, but also identifies the severity of the disease, or when the test should be repeated to minimize risk (CT 37-40). Current rapid RT-PCR screening for travel or medical procedures is a choice between accuracy and rapid turnaround time. It claims a turnaround time as low as 30 minutes with an accuracy of 90 percent or higher. But a note of caution is for its potential risk for virus spreads . Particularly, a positive control is recommended in the same experiment to minimize false negatives. The challenges are still the quality, quantity, and integrity of RNA preparations from the specimen and their collection time; these control the viral load. A rapid accumulation and analysis of sequence data is required to design primers for new variants. The longer a virus lives in the body, the higher is the chance of mutation. With the emergence of new variants, every detail of the spike protein potentially controlling transmissibility is of special interest .To manage the pandemic, clinical data is equally important to develop subsequent health care strategy.

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Views expressed above are the author's own.

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